Regarding Unreal Engine Licensees Shipping UnrealED

RockPaperShotgun (a great place that should be in everyone’s RSS feed) has this story about some folks figuring out how to make Mirror’s Edge levels with UT3’s editor. One of the interesting points of the piece was this:

Chatting to our industry contacts, you apparently have to pay an additional fee to ship a game with UnrealEd, making them suspect it’ll be patched out sooner or later. Which is a shame: if any game could do with some user-generated maps, it’s shining-in-speed-trial-mode Mirror’s Edge.

That seemed a little sketchy to me so I contacted Epic’s Dana Cowley (Dana’s answer is in italics):

Is a UE licensor charged extra to ship UnrealEd with the finished product on PC?

We don’t charge our licensees extra to ship the Unreal Editor.

Makes sense to me, why charge extra for something that enables people to further Epic’s and the Unreal Engine’s good name?