Author: Jack Slater
Colonel Hugh “Slip” Slater Tells Us About an OXCART and a UFO.
The Road to Area 51 is the LA Times’ look at the actual story behind everyone’s favorite hidden UFO landing pad, Area 51. Colonel Hugh “Slip” Slater is the OXCART driver who, now that his missions are declassified, has spoken with various reporters about them in public. You can find what looks to be his…
Shadow of the Box Offolossus
Coming to a movie theatre near you, according to this site and this one as well.
The Drobo Pro from Drobover
Today Data Robotics announced their follow-up to the Drobo RAID-style device, the Drobo Pro offers the same deal in a rackmountable setup. More drives, expected technology upgrades, etc. Can they please stop raping non-business users who bought the original Drobo before their shitty service plan came into effect now and give me my fucking firmware…
The Best Defense Says The Surge Has Got an Undertow.
Tom Ricks at The Best Defense has written up an excellent article detailing the current failures of “The Surge”.
Pure Digital’s Jonathan Kaplan–aka the Flip Guy–Speaks (Post-Cisco)!
Kara Swisher from the Wall Street Journal’s All Things D spoke with Pure Digital’s Jonathan Kaplan on the subject of the Mino HD maker’s future now they they’ve been acquired by Cisco. I’m just hoping they keep iterating on their fantastic Flip Mino HD series.