Author: Jack Slater
Lexaloffe Announces a New Fantasy Console for 2022
Lexaloffe’s Zep announced a new fantasy console today, Picotron is the third in their line after the original Pico-8 and the voxel-y goodness of Voxatron. According to the announcement we can expect an early alpha of Picotron in late 2022, and that the system is more focused on being a “practical and flexible development environment.”
Green Onion Chex Cereal, Awful or “…Too Mild”?
Apparently there was a contest in South Korea 16 years ago to determine which new Chex flavor to make, Chocolate or Green Onion and green onion won but the local Kellogg’s company determined that the voting was fraudulent and ran with the chocolate variant. People were sort-of upset about the situation, Sangmi Cha & Josh Smith…
Battlefield 2042’s Reveal Trailer & Oct. 22 Release Date
As part of some E3 schenanigans a trailer for Battlefield 2042 came out today alongside some details including a release date for the game (October 22, 2021) a date for an actual gameplay trailer (June 13), and an enticement to pre-order for access to a pre-release version of the game (don’t buy games in order…
The Playdate Handheld Gets a Dock Accessory, a Pre-Order Month (It’s July), & 24 Games Instead of 12
It’s been over two years since the Playdate was announced!