Author: Jack Slater
Apple WWDC 2019 Event Notes
Apple held their annual World-Wide Developer Conference event in San Jose, California today. Here’s what they announced: Tim Cook’s Services Showcase Tim Cook hosted and reiterated how great he thinks Apple is, and briefly recapped their services event. As if to fix their perplexing lack of trailers or clips of their original TV programming (Apple…
The Steam Link App is Finally Out for iOS & tvOS
The Steam Link app is finally available on iOS (and tvOS) after being available on Android, and then the Raspberry Pi sbc, for a year. The Steam Link app acts like the now-discontinued Steam Link box and streams your Steam library (and more) to your phone, tablet, or TV. The iOS & Apple TV tvOS app…
iPod Touch Hardware Updated After 4 Years
The last Apple product with the iPod name, the iPod Touch, has been updated for the first time in four years. The new 7th generation (2019) iPod Touch has an A10 Fusion system-on-a-chip (SoC), which is the same as the iPhone 7. 32 gigs of storage at $200, 128GB at $300, and 256GB at $400.…
Apple’s Anxiety-Inducing MacBook Pro Keyboard Situation Update
Remember how Apple released a MacBook Air last year that might have had a more reliable update to their butterfly keyboard mechanism? Joanna Stern wrote about how it wasn’t fixed for the Wall Street Journal and put the nail in that coffin. Here’s one I missed, Casey Johnston also had an update on our long…
I Hope We Don’t Get RSI From Crankin’ It (the Playdate)
Renowned Mac and iOS software developer, Panic published their first game Firewatch with Campo Santo a few years ago, are expecting to release Untitled Goose Game later this year, and have now teamed up with the teens that figured out how to monetize themselves in pursuit of wacky audio equipment at Teenage Engineering to make…