Author: Jack Slater
YouTube Suggested Conspiracy Videos to Children
Let me check one thing, I’ve forgotten since the last time, should we let algorithms written by an advertising publisher decide what is OK or not for kids to watch? James Cook: Search for “UFO” on YouTube Kids and you’ll mostly find videos of toys that are clearly fine for children to watch. But one…
60,000 People Probably Losing Their Jobs as Toys ‘R’ Us Shuts Down
Paul Ziobro and Lillian Rizzo: Toys ‘R’ Us Inc. told employees Wednesday the struggling big-box retailer will sell or close all its U.S. stores, a collapse that threatens up to 33,000 American jobs in the coming months. […] Outside the U.S., the chain has another roughly 800 stores. Altogether, court papers show Toys “R” Us…
There’s a Slightly Better Raspberry Pi 3 Available
The Raspberry Pi single-board computer has a slight update in the form of the Raspberry Pi Model 3 B+. It has the same processor, but this new + model is clocked 200 Mhz faster at 1.4 Ghz, unless it gets too warm in which case it’ll throttle back down to regular Model 3 speeds of 1.2…
Deep Sixed Sounds Like Linux on the Desktop in Space: The Game, But Fun
A few times a year I spend anywhere from 5 to 15 hours digging through some Linux garbage. Deep Sixed is a spaceship management roguelike game in space about managing a spaceship the way we see in movies. Tom Chick: Deep Sixed also loves that moment in Dark Star. Maybe not specifically that moment, but…
You Can Ignore Curators on Steam Now
One thing I find particularly frustrating in Steam is being inundated with curator recommendations from Gamer Gate supporters like Total Biscuit, well the good news is that you can ignore them now. Of course, Valve has made this incredibly frustratingly only accessible from one page, and only when some algorithm decides to recommend that you…