Author: Jack Slater
A Bitter Anniversary
Chuck Jones writing in the Washington Post: At the Carrier plant on the west side of Indianapolis, we’re coming up on a bitter anniversary. One year ago this week, President-elect Donald Trump stood before hundreds of cheering workers and declared that he had saved our jobs from moving to Mexico. It was a symbolic moment…
Update to iOS 11.2 Immediately, Apple’s Bad Bug Week Got Worse
Apple has another serious software flaw, this one isn’t a security vulnerability but it causes some iOS devices (iPhones, iPads) with third-party apps installed that use local notifications to get stuck in a reboot loop on December 2nd. iOS 11.2 is out now and resolves the issue along with adding other features like Apple Pay Cash to send money…
Apple Has a Patch out for the macOS Root Access Security Vulnerability
Go to the Updates tab in the Mac App Store to apply it now, you won’t even need to reboot. Apple has more details about the update at this link. Here’s the post from yesterday with the details of the vulnerability. Update: If you have any trouble with file sharing after applying this security patch…
The macOS Root Access Security Vulnerability
There’s a vulnerability in the latest version of macOS High Sierra (10.13.1) that may let anyone with physical access to a Mac log in and gain system administrator (root) access. Or, if they already have an account, upgrade their access to the system administrator (root) level. You can work around the issue by setting a…
Star Trek: Continues is Excellent
With most fan-made productions you’re kind of left to go “oh it’s good… for a fan show.” That isn’t the case for Star Trek: Continues’ continuation of Star Trek’s original series. Continues is better than the new reboot movies, it’s also better than many of the shows after Deep Space 9. This show’s cast is excellent,…