Author: Jack Slater
Nick Heer on the iPhone X
There are plenty of reviews out there now, but few had much time with the iPhone X before it was released because Apple chose to not give reviewers an opportunity to spend much time with it. Nick Heer: The iPhone X is a product that feels like it shouldn’t really exist — at least, not…
Don’t Let Children Watch “YouTube Kids”
James Bridle has a terrifying and important article, it’s pretty long but the most important point is that people and businesses are systematically generating new videos for YouTube that appear to be tame pirated copies of shows like Peppa Pig but after a few minutes they change to be really awful and the YouTube app…
Brigador is Fun as Heck
The isometric mechsmasher by the Stellar Jockeys, Brigador, just got another update. This time they’ve gone and added different car horns to each pilotable vehicle so you can honk while you smash and shoot and trample and destroy every mcmansion you encounter. It’s good, I just streamed a bit of it on Twitch. Brigador is…
Danger Zone Review (Xbox One)
Three Fields Entertainment’s Danger Zone is so close to what we want from a successor to Burnout’s crash mode. You can skip this next paragraph if you’ve read the last thing, but just for anyone who doesn’t know the context around Three Fields Entertainment’s Danger Zone, here it is: Burnout was a fantastic game series that I…
HQ Trivia
There is a trivia game show on the iPhone called HQ. It’s a live video program broadcasted every weekday at 9AM and 3PM HST. They’ve got different hosts, but usually there are decent comedians doing the work of dolling out trivia questions and keeping people playing along. When I first tried the game out, it…