Author: Jack Slater
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! is Out on Steam
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! (that is the actual name of the game) was delayed but is now available for your restauranteering contentment. Or extreme frustration, you know, whichever emotion you feel when you have pressure on you to perform a series of cooking tasks. I love this kind of game, but as I wrote in…
Nintendo Promises More Stock of Classic Editions
Nintendo put out a press release announcing that they would both manufacture more NES Classic Editions this coming summer, 2018, as well as making more Super NES Classic Editions available at launch on September 29th than they had shipped of the NES CE all last year. It’s good that Nintendo are finally going to potentially thwart…
Apple Special Event September 2017 Notes
Apple held their first iPhone event at their new Steve Jobs Theater on their UFO campus in California today. The event opened with Tim Cook memorializing Jobs. Then he discussed disaster relief projects and encouraged donations. Finally Cook talked about Apple’s new campus. No mentions of offices for the engineers, who have complained that the…
Surprise! PewDiePie is Still Racist
I’m not going to embed the video, here’s a link to it if you must see it, but Felix “PewDiePie” Kjellberg once again confirmed his status as a belligerent racist by calling someone the N-word. This guy has about 57 million subscribers on YouTube, he does this again and again, it should not be a surprise…
Working Your Way Up Has Been Dead for 35 Years
Neil Irwin’s article headlined “To Understand Rising Inequality, Consider the Janitors at Two Top Companies, Then and Now” talks about the differences in opportunities for two different janitors 35 years apart. You should read it.