Author: Jack Slater

  • Apps Dropping from iOS 11

    Cyrus Nemati for Slate in an article titled “iPhone Gamers, Brace Yourselves for the App-ocalypse”: If you’re an iPhone user still addicted to Flappy Bird, be ready to experience withdrawal symptoms. When Apple launches iOS 11 in September, the company will drop support for old 32-bit applications—which is most apps released before 2014. Apps that…

  • Behold the Kickmen

    Dan Marshall of Size Five Games (Ben There, Dan That and Time Gentlemen, Please!) has put out Behold the Kickmen. It is loosely about the sport of football (Soccer in our state of America). In which you can play a single-player story mode or quick games of something very clearly inspired by football, if you…

  • Valve Games Were Vulnerable to Software Exploits When Your Character Died

    The One Up Security firm, who must be very new because this is their only published research article and their domain name appears to have been registered about 8 months ago, has released information on a vulnerability that Valve patched in their Source engine back in June. It’s an amusing vulnerability because the exploitation of…

  • Telling Lies

    Sam Barlow of the incredible Her Story FMV game is working on something new, it’s called Telling Lies. Todd Spangler has the exclusive over at Variety: “Telling Lies” is a “spiritual follow-up” to “Her Story,” he said, but will have a completely new story with more characters and locations. Shooting will likely begin at the…

  • Indie Video Game Stores in 2017

    Matt Leone of Polygon has this incredibly in-depth feature on the stories of video game stores that are still operating in 2017: …we recently dug into the specific costs of running an independent game store in the U.S., and talked to more than 15 store owners and managers about the process. From telling stories of…