Author: Jack Slater

  • Nirvana at Radio Shack in ’88 In 1988, according to Mike Ziegler, Nirvana recorded some takes for a music video that never aired at a Radio Shack in Aberdeen, Washington. Thanks to Rusty Blazenhoff who posted this to Laughing Squid.

  • The Future of Football

    I’m more of a baseball guy, but, Jon Bois and friends over at SB Nation have this great article on the future of football. It’s clear that the sport of football needs to change. And the $64,000 question, my friends, is simple: “how?” Something is terribly wrong. The writing’s on the wall: youth participation in…

  • Elite: Dangerous on PlayStation 4 & Discounted for Xbox One & Computers

    Frontier’s extremely long running space explore-em-up, Elite: Dangerous, is finally out on the PlayStation 4 after the Xbox One version became a thing last year. It’s $30 for the base game, or $60 for the version that includes the season pass and other goodies. The Xbox One port of Elite: Dangerous is also $30, but…

  • Planet of the Apps

    The Outline has got this video picking apart Apple’s incredibly shitty Planet of the Apps. Like most things from The Outline, it’s not that great because it mixes useless cheap shots poking fun at Eddie Cue and the way excitedly describes things, with legitimate issues the show has. The Outline also pokes fun at…

  • SNES Classic Edition Announced with Star Fox 2; Out September 29th in US for $80

    Rumors have been pretty clear that Nintendo would announce a Super Nintendo Classic Edition as a successor to the Nintendo Entertainment System Classic Edition, and it turns out that the reports were true. The SNES Classic Edition will be available at the end of September on the 29th for $80, $20 more than the NES Classic Edition.…