Category: computers
Fruit Station iPhone Wallpaper
For the convienience of any LOST fans who read, I’ve edited this flickr image to the appropriate size for an iPhone wallpaper: Just save it to your iPhone by tapping and holding the image, then set it as wallpaper from the Photos application.
A Comparison of Current VOIP Solutions for Gamers
Computer games have been an important part of my life since as long as I can remember. I’m still young, but I caught the tail end of Kali and saw Mplayer rise and fall, and Gamespy never quite thrilled me like All Seeing Eye. Things have changed a lot over the last decade, but one…
An Unfortunate Guide to Upgrading Ubuntu:
Springtime is when a young man’s fancy turns towards upgrading, enclosed within please find a handy guide for dealing with these desires: Boot Ubuntu for first time in two months Hardlock at GDM Look up the wikipedia entry for SysRq Try SysRq combos a few times Wait a minute Give up Reboot via the big…