Category: video games
Day Z Mod on live
Join TimeDoctor and Ross the Rumbler as they try to survive. Anyone in Cherno?
Max Payne 3 on live
TimeDoctor is back and he’s had a few drinks and is ready to play a game called Max Payne 3. He took one look at this game and said “yes, that will be the game I stream tonight.” He hit the “record” button in his dimly-lit, video-game filled, apartment and a grim sense of determination…
good morning, commander on live
Join TimeDoctor for exploration, puzzle solving, and creepy shadow people in good morning, commander. You’ll see.
The King of the Wood on live
Join TimeDoctor as he completes his assigned task in The King of the Wood.
Mirror’s Edge on live
Join TimeDoctor as he races through the rooftops looking to find Faith.