Category: video games
MySQL-Proxy Alternative
Today was a hellish day. Late in the afternoon when we’re supposed to be winding down and heading out one of our shared webhosting servers started freaking out. No changes to any software or settings — nothing to suspect — but mysql-proxy kept crashing. We need this utility because we have a lot of old…
The Day MAME Saved My Ass
Ask any game developer and they’ll tell you that publishers are the scum of the earth. It’s never a question of “if” the publisher screws you, it’s “when”. During my 15 years as a developer I have seen publishers pull every dirty trick imaginable, from telling the dev team of a certain AAA title to…
Game Dev Story Review
Game Dev Story is a business simulation about choices. What genre, what platform, and what theme do you want for your game? Is the game cute and simple or realistic and innovative? Do you want to use an in-house art, story, and audio folks or outsource assets and writing? There are quite a few choices…