Category: video games
BF2 Patch 1.50 Released
Stay Sharp, Stay Logical, Stay Supreme The patch is available from numerous sites but they’ve allocated so little bandwidth to this 2GB file that I was reduced to tears, until I remembered these guys. For some of you, this will be the first time you’ve used a file-sharing program for a completely legal purpose, so…
Battlefield 1.50 Coming on September 1
In an almost ridiculous display of generosity from the company who most people would probably have previously pegged as the most greedy, EA and DICE are releasing version 1.50 of Battlefield 2 with all of the booster packs included (though not the Special Forces expansion) on September 1st. Check out the huge list of changes…
Falcon 4.0: Allied Force Review
Falcon 4.0: Allied Force is the definition of depth when it comes to the interactive experience of combat flight. All declassified features of Lockheed Martin’s F-16 are fully controllable and functional, you won’t turn anything off or on that doesn’t affect some function of your jet. Your responsibilities range from controlling the flow of your…
Dance Like You’ve Got Ham in Your Pants
This ridiculous title via the old PR copy and paste, all emphasis mine: Data Design Interactive Signs distribution deal with Midway Games… Stourbridge, UK, 24th June 2009. Data Design Interactive Ltd — a successful video games publisher and games developer, today announced that it has signed a deal with Midway Games Inc who will distribute…