Category: video games

  • GDC 09: 1up Meetup

    Just a few pictures from the 1UP meetup today at the Metreon’s ailing Food Court. A good time was had by all and I enjoyed meeting the 1up Supercrew. Highlights were meeting the Sports Anomoly’s David “The Funisher” Ellis, Ray “I don’t have a funny nickname” Barnholt”, Nick “Fellow Beardo” Suttner, and more of those…

  • Space Combat Sims for fans of X-Wing v Tie Fighter Part 2: Software

    In some ways, this is the best of times for space sim aficionados. FreeSpace 2, the last great commercial space combat sim is open-source and there are a lot of games based on that codebase which are freely available, or will be released shortly. Personally I would recommend starting out with Freespace 2, picking an…

  • COD:MW2 Ships November 10 and this is the first teaser

    Do your bolt-action rifles suck? Are you having trouble respawning in the morning? Well, fret no longer modern-warfare fan, after the break you can see what is going on in the lives of your heroes from franchises past…

  • GDC 09: TimeDoctor Wins Resistance Retribution!

    Thanks to Sony for hosting the excellent Playstation Blog meetup at GDC 2009! The evening started out with a journey via the strange public transportation system known only to denizens of San Francisco’s knowledge underground as “The Muni“! After many stops and about 45 minutes worth of insane ramblings from the drunken creatures who inhabit…

  • Left 4 Dead Updates

    Valve updated Left 4 Dead today with some great gameplay changes. One of which corrects my personal pet-peeve with the Boomer; his vomit will sometimes be deflected by normal infected who get in the way. Full list of changes: Game and client changes Introduced fatigue to the melee attack in versus mode. You will see…