Category: video games
Combat Arms: Shot to the Nuts
RDRR Nexon! They’ve updated their free-2-play FPS Combat Arms with the ability to shoot people in the crotch for extra damage. Youtube video of it after the break, along with their press release.
Solid Snake and the Heartbreakers in: iGame Squadron #4 (more iPhone game reviews!)
I’ve got five more iPhone games reviewed on Metal Gear Solid Touch Pocket God Hurdler Beast Cronk Also included in the newest iGame Squadron is my take on what the latest iPhone update means for gamers. Check it out!
Katamari PS3!
Siliconera has the scanned-in scoop on Katamari Damacy Tribute, a PS3 Iteration of the famous series which most people would probably decry as overkill on Namco/Bandai’s part. However I’m very interested in seeing if the Dual Shock 3’s tilt control is finally put to use properly.
Red Orchestra Team busting a move on the Killing Floor
Tripwire interactive, the team behind Red Orchestra, has announced a zombie-killing game called Killing Floor. I’m expecting an easter-egg power up that causes the zombies to break out in dance, disco style, like Ratchet & Clank Future’s Groovitron. Full text of the PR after the break.
Call of Duty: World at War DLC to be Free on PC
Treyarch’s previously announced Call of Duty: World at War DLC is now almost certainly free for the PC. Official confirmation is not yet available from Activision, but via twitter the updated patch notes for COD:WAW seem to indicate that no charge will be made since the DLC will be bundled with a patch fixing various…