Category: video games

  • Free iPhone Games and More Reviews!

    Metal Gear Solid Touch is going to be released on Thursday, I’m extremely happy about this and hope it lives up to the Metal Gear Solid legacy of awesomeness. In the meantime I’m giving away a few copies of Black Shades for the iPhone over the official TimeDoctor Dot Org twitter feed today and tomorrow.…

  • Metal Wolf Intermission

    After the break witness Metal Wolf Chaos, the finest XBox 1 exclusive, and bizarrely never released here. I played this one during my time as a microsoft tester. I wish they would bring it out on the XBox originals function of the XBL marketplace, at least.

  • The “No Goo Left Behind” Act

    Yesterday I found out about the World of Goo sale on Steam, via CAG, just before it ended. Today I’m rescuing a goo-lady of, shall we say, “Ample carriage?” Regardless, I’m escorting her down a red carpet, oh and look now, she’s just killed all of her fans. The good thing about this shallow-yet-not-insubstantial debutante…

  • 50 Cent: Blood on the AtomicGamer iPhone Game Reviews

    Yo Fitty! Fitty, dey got some new iphone game reviews up! Naw man, it ain’t like dat, dey gets some shit that aint fart appz, yo! Yeah dawg, that is right! They got that shit up at atomicgamer! I heard they reviewed: Days of Thunder Galcon Scrabble Truck vs Grenade But yeah, and if you…

  • Battlefield 2

    You know your fancy ass gaming rig can run this game well, people are still super into it, and it came out almost 5 years ago. I’m still playing it, the patches have fixed it a little but it still takes more time to load a level than Crysis. Though I personally think it is…