Category: video games
iPhone Game Reviews at AtomicGamer!
Hey go check out my first set of iPhone game reviews over at atomicgamer! THEY’RE SO AWESOME! THESE ARE THE GAMES THAT GOT REVIEWED!!!!!11111: Wurdle Black and White Skybound Pinball Dreaming TapDefense Developers & Publishers, email me promo codes for your games to!! DO IT OR THE OWL WILL EAT YOU!
Congress votes Yes on the No Pant Shitting Vote!
There are basically two kinds of people. Those that find this image amusing, and would like to play the game associated with it (i.e. Me) and those that don’t. If you fall into the category of those that find it amusing, click this link to go on and play the flash game called ‘Don’t Shit…
A new blogger and an indie game sale!
Ahoy folks! I’m fydo and apparently zakk wants me to write some stuff on this silly blog. I like to hang out in the indie games / opensource games crowd, so I’ll try to share any interesting tidbits I pick up on. Meow? For instance, I might mention that this weekend there is a weekend…
You Know What, Valve?
“I do not approve of your method of handling this situation, good sir”*. Really, can you read that CAPTCHA? Because I can’t. Maybe it is because I’m red-green color blind. Maybe it is because you guys are a bunch of horse’s asses who don’t have a forum for second sight which is why I’m searching…
Space Combat Sims for fans of X-Wing v Tie Fighter Part 1: Hardware
A lot of people like myself miss the old days. Let us then reminisce, and also blow the crap out of our enemies. To get started, you’ll need some kind of joystick. I use Logitech joysticks because I like the twisting functionality on the stick itself for adjusting yaw on helicopters and jets in games…