Category: video games
3-On-3 NHL Arcade (PS3) Review
3 On 3 NHL Arcade is the first PSN game I’ve tried where the demo version converts to the full version with just a token download. It is also fantastic with just a few minor nitpicks, and one big one. Minor: Your teams, while easily distinguishable, are just red/blue. So you can’t pick the Flyers…
Killzone 2 (PS3) Demo Impressions
After setting up an EU PSN account, I downloaded the Killzone 2 demo and here are my quick-take impressions as posted on my twitter feed: the killzone 2 menus are neat “Unass this thing” Really? yay, kz2 lets you remap controls so I can use my RealTriggersâ„¢ I can’t make crouch a toggle, wtf? KZ2…
Instructions For Downloading the Killzone 2 Demo without a Pre-Order
Many folks are like me, unwilling or unable to pre-order Killzone 2 from Gamestop in order to get the Killzone 2 demo. For whatever reason, here are step-by-step instructions for setting up an EU PSN account so you can download that demo without pre-ordering the full game: Create a new e-mail address from any free…
Cast Your Net unto Thy Darkness. It is Time for Some Pods.
Generally when I look out on the surface of the Podcast listings on my iPhone I’m confronted with two things; NPR and Video Games. Neither of which are exactly expanding my listening horizons. Every so often though, I find a few that fit within those publishing categories but also expand my interest and thinking. Here…