Category: video games

  • NES Classic Edition

    Nintendo announced a very odd product today, the NES Classic Edition is a tiny version of the original NES that is preloaded with 30 games and includes one controller but cannot accept cartridges. They’re also releasing extra controllers, which use the Wii controller accessory port and can connect to wii-motes, for $10 each. This is…

  • Building a Gaming Computer in 2016

    This year I set out to replace my aging i7-2600k-based Intel gaming machine. Virtual reality games are incredibly demanding on your computer’s hardware and must reach a very high framerate or you will puke if the framerate drops while playing around in VR. They require the latest generation of processors at a minimum, and although I…

  • Where’s the HTC Vive support for SteamOS?

    Liam Dawe is killing it. Here’s his list of what Valve needs to get done in order to get SteamOS back on track, One thing that has been really bothering me, where’s the support for Linux/SteamOS with the HTC Vive?: Their own VR device is not yet Linux compatible. I don’t know what the issues are…

  • Bethesda’s E3 2016 Press Briefing Notes

    Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb are back for the pre-show from the old Rev 3 and TechTV days to present the Bethesda pre-E3. It’s kind of refreshing to watch people who know how to act on camera as opposed to the awkward executives of other E3 presentations. Glad to see Bethesda acknowledging the horrible massacre…

  • Notes from EA’s E3-Adjacent Press Conference 2016

    EA’s CEO Andrew Wilson steps out only about 7 minutes late and is excited about “content creators.” He’s welcoming Peter Moore who is hosting in London via remote stream, so they’re co-hosting? But then back to Andrew Wilson quickly in LA. Respawn’s Vince Zampella is onstage to discuss Titanfall 2, and has a video of…