Category: video games

  • HTC/Steam VR Vive Pre-Orders Priced at $800

    If you thought the Oculus Rift was expensive at $600, then you’re going to want to sit down for this. HTC and Valve’s Steam VR kit, the  Vive, is priced at an eye-watering $800 before tax and shipping. Pre-orders go up on the 29th at 10 AM Eastern Like the Oculus Rift, it ships in April. Like…

  • Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Multiplayer for $15

    Activision and Treyarch are competing directly with Valve’s Counter-Strike: Global Offensive by releasing a multiplayer-only version of Black Ops 3 for $15 exclusively on Steam. The same price as Global Offensive. Activision is calling this version of Blops 3 the multiplayer starter pack and it’s only available until the end of February. There’s a FAQ here…

  • Long-Haul Space Trucking

    Brendan Caldwell has this unforgettable travelogue of a flotilla that is now traveling for the next three months through Elite: Dangerous’s uncharted systems: The whole trip is estimated to take three months — and that’s just the outward journey. Officially, the expedition ends when the flotilla (or what’s left of the flotilla) reaches Beagle Point,…

  • Garbage Game for Garbage People, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Might Have Had Music from Michael Jackson

    Todd Van Luling has an article for the Huffington Post about the sad garbage people who got too caught up in Sega’s marketing to recognize that Sonic gameplay was awful and their sad hunt for finding the hidden connection in Sonic 3’s soundtrack to Michael Jackson. Spoiler, Jackson didn’t even want to be associated with…

  • 1,800 Games On Steam for Linux

    Turns out, we’re up to 1,800 games on Steam that run under Linux. It’d be great to know how many of those are vegan, charlotte/georgia-based, handcrafted, locally-sourced, artisanal, native ports and how many are pretendulated, factory-farmed, gmo-enhanced, toxic garbage from Virtual Programming.