Category: video games
New Nintendo 3DS XL Bundles
Ozzie Mejia: The Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer bundle will feature an Isabelle-designed (and more compact!) New Nintendo 3DS. It’ll also feature two cover plates, an Amiibo card, and a copy of Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. This bundle is set to release on September 25 for $219.99. Those that are willing to wait a…
Get Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones for Free
The Windows-only Stealth Inc 2 is available temporarily for free from the Humble Store. In Stealth Inc 2, you play the role of a clone escaping a sinister and high-tech testing facility. Stealth Inc 2 tests both your brain and your reflexes over 60 varied levels linked together in a sprawling overworld. Death is never…
YouTube Gaming
YouTube’s Twitch-competitor, YouTube Gaming, launched yesterday as an app on mobile devices and as a website. There are three major improvements that the announcement touts: YouTube Gaming is your go-to destination for anything and everything gaming because it automatically pulls in all gaming-related videos and live streams from YouTube. Viewers get personalized gaming recommendations based…
The Jig is Up
Brianna Wu & Zoe Quinn were interviewed by MTV’s Shaunna Murphy recently, a year after the GamerGate bullshit kicked off: Wu: When I got dragged into Gamergate it felt like there were people that actually believed, “It’s about ethics in game journalism.” What I [later] saw was people stopped believing that. They understood it was…