Category: video games

  • The MGS5 Windows Disc is Just an 8 MB Steam Installer

    Daniel Perez: Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is releasing this week on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. But it appears PC gamers are getting the short end of the stick as its physical retail version only has a Steam installer burned onto the Blu-ray disc. Twitter users graphure tweeted out their findings yesterday…

  • New Nintendo 3DS XL Bundles

    Ozzie Mejia: The Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer bundle will feature an Isabelle-designed (and more compact!) New Nintendo 3DS. It’ll also feature two cover plates, an Amiibo card, and a copy of Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. This bundle is set to release on September 25 for $219.99. Those that are willing to wait a…

  • Get Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones for Free

    The Windows-only Stealth Inc 2 is available temporarily for free from the Humble Store. In Stealth Inc 2, you play the role of a clone escaping a sinister and high-tech testing facility. Stealth Inc 2 tests both your brain and your reflexes over 60 varied levels linked together in a sprawling overworld. Death is never…

  • YouTube Gaming

    YouTube’s Twitch-competitor, YouTube Gaming, launched yesterday as an app on mobile devices and as a website. There are three major improvements that the announcement touts: YouTube Gaming is your go-to destination for anything and everything gaming because it automatically pulls in all gaming-related videos and live streams from YouTube. Viewers get personalized gaming recommendations based…

  • The Jig is Up

    Brianna Wu & Zoe Quinn were interviewed by MTV’s Shaunna Murphy recently, a year after the GamerGate bullshit kicked off: Wu: When I got dragged into Gamergate it felt like there were people that actually believed, “It’s about ethics in game journalism.” What I [later] saw was people stopped believing that. They understood it was…