Category: video games

  • Playstation 4 Cloud Saves Are Terrible

    Stephen Totilo: In the comparison between PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Sony is about as behind in how they handle cloud saves as they are in getting their console to run Halo. It’s time for them to close this gap. The difference is dramatic. While both systems allow users to save game progress to a…

  • Razer’s Benevolence

    Emanuel Maiberg: Just now, Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan told Polygon that Razer isn’t obligated to follow through on the payments developers are still owed through Ouya’s Free the Games Fund, but that it will make good on those payments anyway. “This is purely being done out of goodwill,” Tan said. “I think this is going…

  • Indie Developers: Ouya Owes Us Thousands of Dollars

    Emanuel Maiberg: On Monday, gaming peripheral company Razer announced that it acquired the software and part of the team behind Ouya, which infamously raised $8.5 million through crowdfunding in 2012 to build an Android-based microconsole. It was a desperate move for the struggling small console maker–and now some indie developers who worked on Ouya games…

  • DEFCON: Everybody Dies

    Due to the & shutdown I will be republishing my reviews from those sites. Computer-room four star generals should be pleased with the latest real time offerings on hand for PC players. Company of Heroes, Supreme Commander, and the continuing adventures and re-releases in the Command and Conquer series all provide hope for the waning innovation in…