Ask any game developer and they’ll tell you that publishers are the scum of the earth. It’s never a question of “if” the publisher screws you, it’s “when”. During my 15 years as a developer I have seen publishers pull every dirty trick imaginable, from telling the dev team of a certain AAA title to remove all the black kids from the game (“it hurts sales in Germany”) to informing a small studio that they were only going to pay half what they owed for work already completed, and then only if the studio signs a legal waiver first (knowing full well that because of late payments the studio would be out of business long before it reached court). This story is not about publishers, but it is about the kinds of situations that publishers create and the lengths that we developers are often forced to go to in order to clean up the messes they leave us with.
Android 2.3: Yup, you need a task killer.
Game Dev Story Review
Game Dev Story is a business simulation about choices.
What genre, what platform, and what theme do you want for your game?
Is the game cute and simple or realistic and innovative?
Do you want to use an in-house art, story, and audio folks or outsource assets and writing?
There are quite a few choices and you’ve got the freedom to make larger decisions about advertising campaigns and which development path to focus on.
Nothing is free, you’ve got to pay platform holders for devkits, employees their salaries, and fees for everything and everyone in the studio. Game developers won’t choose to grow on their own, you’ve got to prod them forward with research data gathered during development. Once they’re more talented their salary has to rise too. Though at least the game doesn’t simulate headhunters to recruit your developers out from under you. (more…)
How it Works: Macintosh Factory
Video on the other side: