After the break witness the latest in Craigslist scams…
Cobra Mercs for Hire
- Hire Cobra Troopers in Canterbury Commonsfrom Firefly.
- Adds over 30 G.I.Joe & Cobra Themed outfits.
- Adds over 60 NEW WEAPONS to game, NPC’s will have them, and vendors will too.
- Caravans and Canterbury citizens are all Costumed G.I. Joe themed, thus the name: Canterbury Commons Costume Party
- Adds a couple of new citizens to Canterbury
- Increases Caravan Groups Great counter to Increased Spawns
- Adds Caravan Outpost Tents, and Guards at all stops except Evergreen Mills no one in tents will trade, you have to wait for caravan
- Retextured: Pre-war Money, Duff Beer, New Skill books Non-Replacer, themed after CCCP Costumes
- New Hair & Eye Textures See Credits
- Altered Hair, Eyes & Equipment on a couple of existing NPCs mostly just the chicks
Dear Esther
I just finished my first walk-through of Dear Esther.
When I say “walk-through” I mean, walking through the narrative of this incredible mod on top of Half Life 2‘s Source Engine by Dan Pinchbeck.
The Thrill of Combat
You have quotas to meet. Use your helicopter to seek out donors and incapacitate them with your laser, then drop down and remove their organs. 1-2 players cooperative. Music by GDFX. Runs on Windows.
Company of Heroes Patch 2.600
Patch 2.600 Overview on the Company of Heroes community site offers up a list of changes coming in the next version of the game, which will also address one of my biggest concerns (check out the review) with Tales of Valor. That is right, a new map for Panzerkrieg mode.
- Heavy Machine Guns. We will be introducing a fix to the current delay for an HMG switching windows when in a building and return proper operation for British emplacements and other units that were affected by patch 2.502.
- Fix the Pak 38 camouflage stacking bonus modifier that increases the gun’s damage beyond the intended effect.
- Commonly known as the ‘burst fire bug’, we will address an issue that allowed some units to ignore their weapon cooldowns.
- We are introducing a new map for Panzerkrieg along with a fix for the free defensive infantry bug. Some balance changes will also be incorporated for the Panzerkrieg tanks.
There are further bug fixes and changes in the patch, such as a reduction to the effectiveness of the T17, but these are the main points. Please stay tuned for more updates on patch 2.600 including a first look at the new Panzerkrieg map. We will of course be posting the full patch notes here on the community site once the patch is near release.