• After the break witness blah blah blah click the link: (more…)

  • There is a piece of software called Belarc Advisor that can spec out your PC super-quick and seems incredibly helpful. Unlike Magic Jelly Bean Keyfinder, which is a good tool to have as well, Belarc Advisor not only gets the keys for various pieces of Windows Software, but also checks out the status of your (Windows-only) machine’s security hotfixens and displays your system specfications.

    It does this all in a web browser and then gives you links to where each piece of software it finds is installed.

    About the only downsides I can find are that this isn’t free software and it doesn’t display licenses for game software.

    I suppose neither is surprising coming from a business-oriented services company, but oh well.

  • One of my guilty pleasures is watching random series shows from the 90s and 80s. Somewhat recently this has meant watching a spin-off sitcom from the people that brought you Cheers called Frasier.

    It takes the character of Dr. Frasier Crane (Kelsey Grammer) who was merely a fixture in the bar and builds a goofy little life around him. Unfortunately it also removed some of his willingness to be social with the working class and maybe made the show a little too clean for TV, oh well. It ran for 11 seasons and produced two-hundred and sixty-four episodes.

    I find it amusing mainly since I can turn it on and do something else while it remains in the background, unlike Lost which really requires your attention to get the full experience.

    Anyway, that was an excessively long introduction to get to the point of telling that there’s a post up on Ken Levine’s blog where he describes an interesting turn of events for the show’s production. The producers and the writers of the show worked together to hide a rather significant detail from the network until it aired. I’d tell you what that is, but that would spoil the joy of reading the article and finding out some behind-the-scenes details of a television sitcom.


  • at-Largely has an article covering what they believe to be a conspiracy between Bush’s administration and AIG. Possibly even his campaign contributions as well. We’ll see.

  • After the break, what happens when you mix Star Wars and Coming to America, two great tastes that go great together.
