Engadget has put up a video tour of the new (in beta for developers) iPhone 3.0 OS firmware. You can find it after the break:
iPhone OS 3.0 Summary
Apple is launching the marketing operations for what will be included in the new iPhone OS today. TimeDoctor Dot Org will list out the highlights so you don’t have to read all the liveblogs.
Only the important items are listed. Full details and executive sarcasm after the break, executive summary before it:
- Developers can now charge for subscriptions, DLC, in-app purchasing of content, etc. Of course, Apple still takes their 30% cut on all this.
- Bonjour-powered adhoc bluetooth pairing for multiplayer games and other applications.
- Accessories can communicate with software over the dock connector or via bluetooth.
- Fancy push notifications are in (sound effects, etc). Background processes aren’t.
- Developer access to built-in music is in.
- Copy and paste is in.
- Landscape (including keyboard) mode in all of Apple’s apps.
- Spotlight searching across many apps’ content.
- Stereo bluetooth for headphones.
- All developers have access to the beta versions of both the SDK and firmware now. NDA in full effect on beta versions.
- Ships this summer. iPhone 3G and iPhone 2G get it for free. $10 for iPod Touch. iPhone 2G will be missing some features.
Free iPhone Games and More Reviews!
Metal Gear Solid Touch is going to be released on Thursday, I’m extremely happy about this and hope it lives up to the Metal Gear Solid legacy of awesomeness.
In the meantime I’m giving away a few copies of Black Shades for the iPhone over the official TimeDoctor Dot Org twitter feed today and tomorrow.
This is a game I really love because I originally worked on the Linux and Mac OS X ports with my good buddies over at icculus.org. Hopefully some day it will see a modern update.
Just keep following the feed for some free goodies to redeem in iTunes and also check out my latest set of reviews of iPhone games over at AtomicGamer.com! Here are the games I reviewed for this edition of the iGame Squadron:
- WordFu
- Chess with Friends
- iDracula
- Ancient Frog
If you do win a code, please let everyone know in the comments so they don’t have to try to redeem them after you have 😉
Welcome to the Jungle
After the break:
Disturbing NSFW ST:TNG Remix Part 2
The absurdity continues after the break in part 2 of ST:TNG. Part one is here. This post will continue to be updated as new episodes are released. As always the themes of ST:TNG may be unfit for younger, older, and living, viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.