After setting up an EU PSN account, I downloaded the Killzone 2 demo and here are my quick-take impressions as posted on my twitter feed:
- the killzone 2 menus are neat
- “Unass this thing” Really?
- yay, kz2 lets you remap controls so I can use my RealTriggersâ„¢
- I can’t make crouch a toggle, wtf?
- KZ2 graphics are beautiful.
- Acceleration on the view controls is a little weird, as is the fact that you can melee (rifle butt), or stick a knife into those pigs..
Finally, the gameplay is extremely similar to COD4:MW, this is not a bad thing. Right now I’m sure I buy the idea that the enemy AI is superior to that of the extreme dumbass AI in Gears 2. Though the Hellghast do seem to cycle through their routine faster, which is a nice change. It is also nice to see them attempting to flush me out with grenades instead of just vice-versa. Overall, an enjoyable demo, which ended with perhaps not the best slice of gameplay. I’m excited for the finished game later this month and will post a full review some time after the game is released then. Until then I will be content with the pile of games I haven’t finished yet and confused as to why on earth sony would push Resistence 2 over Killzone 2 last fall when KZ2 is arguably the superior game.