Hello Games’ No Man Sky is two years old, but if you are like me and tried it out back then only to move on before finishing the main quest then you might want to check out the latest updates. Hello Games has added multiplayer, Jack wrote that they have also added third-person options, base building, biological horrors, redone all of the story progression, and so much more to the game.
I liked NMS when it was just a 1950’s sci-fi book cover simulator about lonely astronauts exploring space, now I’m even more interested. Or, maybe Hello Games changed just one variable:
Nearly two years after it first released, the incredibly lazy developers at Hello Games have finally bothered to open up their fucking computers and set the ‘make_game_good’ variable in the code of the game to ‘true’.
Point & Clickbait understands that lead developer Sean Murray finally decided to make the game good after accidentally turning on his computer for the first time in two years and saying “Oh, haha, yeah, shit, that thing.”
There are a bunch of details about the content of the update at the No Man’s Sky site, the update is live now on Windows (via gog, Humble, and Steam), PlayStation 4, and the Xbox One.
There’s no cross-play between platforms, unfortunately. The DRM-free versions on gog and Humble don’t have multiplayer yet.