Tag: cameron kunzelman

  • The Crunch Article on Polygon

    Polygon has published an excerpt from a book by Walt Williams, their headline: “Why I worship crunch”: When I worship at the unholy altar of Crunch, everything outside of the work fades away. By design, my world is reduced to where I sleep and where I work. Every day must be fast, focused, and above…

  • PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds: Solo Squad

    I’m still playing so much Battlegrounds, more than anything else it draws me back with it’s subtleties in strategy. Deciding if you want to get more combat experience and seek out fights and other players or find some gear and camp in the second floor of a house. Lately I’ve been trying something different, playing…

  • The Beginner’s Guide

    The developer behind The Stanley Parable has released a new game for Mac, Linux, and Windows. It’s called The Beginner’s Guide. It wouldn’t be right to do a video of this, at about an hour and a half long the video could spoil the whole thing. Wreden describes it like this: It lasts about an hour…