Tag: nintendo

  • Nintendo’s New Nintendo 2DS XL on July 28th, $150

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lxNHhgMuTg Nintendo’s got a new version of their 2DS handheld coming out on July 28th. The New 2DS XL has many of the features of the big boy New 3DS XL, like the clamshell design, c-stick, and faster processor, without the 3D functionality that almost no games are taking advantage of anymore. It looks good in that two-tone black and…

  • Classic Nintendo

    What happens when Nintendo launches a very successful and cheap console a few months before releasing the Switch hybrid console/handheld? Jose Otero: Nintendo will discontinue the Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition and the last shipments will go out to retailers throughout this month. I bet that Nintendo looked at the Classic as a mistake. It was too cheap and…

  • Nintendo Switch Launch Day

    Nintendo launched their new console, the Switch, today. The console plugs into a TV but can also be taken on the go with the built-in screen. Kyle Orland at Ars has a review of the system. CNET’s Jeff “Autoplaying Video” Bakalar also has a review. I have some concerns with the system’s a lack of…

  • Early Switch OS Videos

    The internet has provided us with an early look of the operating system on the Nintendo Switch and it looks much better than anything Nintendo has provided us with previously. I recently spent about two hours inside a Game Stop trying to do a system transfer from one 3DS to another, which failed the first two times…

  • Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 Notes

    Nintendo Japan had a live-streamed presentation revealing new details about their upcoming console, the Nintendo Switch. Here are my notes. It’ll be available March 3rd 2017 in Japan, US, Canada, “major Euro nations.” 29,980 JPY $299.99 USD It’ll be up for pre-order in Japan on the 21st. No word on the US. The system will…