Tag: theme hospital

  • CorsixTH

    Taking a look at Two Point Hospital reminded me to look back at the original Theme Hospital, which is currently on sale at gog for $1.49 or at its regular price on EA’s Origin for $5. What with EA being the company that bought Bullfrog and drove it straight into the ground you might want…

  • Two-Point Hospital is Good

    Somehow I never got around to writing about the launch of Two-Point Hospital last year. It’s the silly hospital administration game from some ex-developers of the beloved classic from Bullfrog, Theme Hospital. Both have similarities in their management of the hospital you build and in the silly ailments that patients are seeking remedies for. Two-Point…

  • Ex-Theme Hospital Developers Making New Theme Hospital

    If I said “Two Point Hospital” out-loud you might think I was discussing some asinine venture-funded startup designed to revolutionize the medical experience for anyone wealthy enough to afford it. Thank goodness, Sega and Two Point Studios are just making a new hospital management game using developers who have worked on Theme Hospital before. EA…