Author: Jack Slater
Real Triggers Review (PS3)
Most people would probably expect the Dual Shock 3 to be the best of both worlds; the useless wobbling from the SIXAXISâ„¢ disaster, and the great design and heft of the Dual Shock 2. Unfortunately, someone at Sony forgot to fix the triggers (R2, L2) for first person shooters. Most likely they don’t understand why…
David Lynch’s Disturbingly NSFW ST:TNG Remix
After the break you’ll find the most disturbing and NSFW remix of The Next Generation ever. Not actually created by David Lynch, but instead by Youtube user Gazorra.
Lord of the Rings: Online 10 Day Free Trial
While I was downloading 10+ gigabytes of the new Lord of the Rings: Online 10 Day Free Trial, (because LOST doesn’t air for me until tomorrow on I wondered how many floppies that would be if this game were released in the early 90’s. Of course, nobody sane would ever release 10+ gigabytes of…
F.E.A.R. 2: Scary Slider: Demo Impressions (PS3)
Dear Horror Games, You’ve got Audio sliders for volume levels, and difficulty sliders for difficulty levels. Why not Horror sliders for Horror levels? So if I’m about to go asleep, I can turn it from bleeding-walls and scary little girls to flowers and puppy dogs? Other than that, the FEAR 2: Preposterous Subtitle Demo on…