Author: Jack Slater

  • Falcon Age

    Falcon Age looks very different, it’s a first-person falconeering and falcon-friendshipper where you and your falcon pal (palcon?) fight off the robo-nvaders seeking to exploit your planet. You can also dress up your falcon buddy, Outerloop Games’ website says they’ve developed Falcon Age for virtual reality first, but it is playable on regular televisions as…

  • Capcom’s Bizarre Home Arcade Stick Machine Thing

    I don’t even know where to start with this thing. It’s a two-player arcade stick with an HDMI port, wifi for leaderboards,16 games built-in. For £199.99, which is roughly $260 USD. That’s expensive, but Capcom UK claims to have Sanwa parts for the Joystick lever and buttons. That’s kind of worth it. But then you…

  • The Xbox One S All-Digital Edition is a Real Disaster

    Exactly as rumored, the Xbox One S All-Digital Edition has been announced without a disc drive for May 7th. At $250, the Xbox One S All-Digital Edition is a $50 discount on the $300 price of the regular Xbox One S. The only slight bonus to this version is that you get Minecraft, Forza Horizon…

  • Next PlayStation Detailed in Wired

    Peter Rubin has the scoop on what might be the PlayStation 5 at Wired with a Mark Cerny interview. It’s mostly about the tech details. The SSD, backwards compatibility, ray tracing, PSVR compatible, not in 2019, not at E3. My fear with anything like this as I sit here in April 2019 is that a…

  • Astroneer Out of Early Access

    Space explor-o-build-emup, Astroneer, exited Steam’s Early Access program and it’s still as cool as ever if you’re interested in mostly calmly exploring unknown worlds, building new things on them, and then occasionally running low on oxygen. Mike Williams enjoyed Astroneer for it’s chill nature: In terms of the survival genre, Astroneer is definitely on the…