Author: Jack Slater

  • The Steam Link is Getting Usurped by Apps

    Valve is releasing Steam Link apps for iOS and Android sometime during the week of the 21st of May. They’ll stream games to your device or TV from a host computer just like the Steam Link box does. Valve says that these apps will support a few different types of controllers including Apple’s MFI standard,…

  • Parappa The Rapper on PS4 is Actually a PSP Emulator

    I’ll probably never use it, because I don’t jailbreak modern consoles, but it’s an impressive discovery by KiiWii on the GBA Temp forums  (via Wololo) that the Parappa The Rapper remaster for the PlayStation 4 is actually a PlayStation Portable emulator with special features. Those features let the developers replace the textures in an emulated…

  • Epic Sues 14 Year Old Fortnite Cheater

    Sarah Jeong has an article up about Epic suing a 14 year old cheater in their free-to-play game Fortnite. It’s absolutely twisted that a business can sue anyone for cheating in a video game. It’s slightly more understandable to get litigious with people making and selling cheats, but then Epic should really just strengthen their…

  • The Oculus Go

    Adi Robertson has a review up of the $200 Oculus Go, a VR HMD with a built-in old-ass (seriously, it’s from 2016) smartphone chipset for people without a Samsung phone: The Oculus Go improves on the Gear VR in one big way: you don’t need a high-end Samsung phone to use it, so the headset…

  • May 1st is The Real Labor Day

    Alex Pareene explains the first of May: International Workers Day is as American a holiday as there is. It commemorates, in part, the Haymarket Riot, a bloody 1886 clash between striking workers and Chicago police that was among the most consequential battles in both American labor history and the international fight for the eight-hour workday.…