Category: living

  • Daylight Saving Time

    This isn’t a problem here in Hawaii, where we neglect to observe DST. Video via the esteemed Pat Baer. He shares a lot more fun videos on 404ing it

  • A Legally Operated Taxi Service Wouldn’t Do This

    Mike Isaac for the New York Times: Uber has for years engaged in a worldwide program to deceive the authorities in markets where its low-cost ride-hailing service was being resisted by law enforcement or, in some instances, had been outright banned. The program, involving a tool called Greyball, uses data collected from the Uber app…

  • Delete Uber Parts 1-3999

    Nick Heer has this round-up of Uber in the news for the past 3 years. It includes this gem, from Buzzfeed: Early this November, one of the reporters of this story, Johana Bhuiyan, arrived to Uber’s New York headquarters in Long Island City for an interview with Josh Mohrer, the general manager of Uber New…

  • The Wartime Broadcasting System

    Paul Reynolds, the British Broadcasting System’s former foreign and diplomatic correspondent found the BBC’s plans for continued broadcast during nuclear war or what the BBC politely described as a “nuclear exchange”: The War Book reveals a world of meticulous BBC planning. The Wartime Broadcasting System (WTBS) – referred to in the book as “Deferred Facilities”…

  • Robrotwurst

    Ãœter must be very happy with his robrotwurst sausage cooking device.