Category: video games

  • Where is SimCopter 2015?

    SimCopter was an incredible game idea, implemented about as well as 1996 allowed. It felt like the ambulance missions in GTA, plus a little bit of firefighting in the form of buckets full of water, but in a helicopter, and every mission was in the cities you made in SimCity 2000. Unfortunately, at the time…

  • Elite: Dangerous Finally on Steam

    Crowdfunded space trucking simulator and long-time hold-out, Elite: Dangerous, is now available on Steam.  Cashed in the remaining money I’d made from selling trading-cards to get it. At this time Frontier’s (Elite’s developer) Elite: Dangerous doesn’t have any Steam-specific features, and like some games you’re only downloading the initial launcher through Steam. All updates appear to be through the…

  • The Talos Principle Review (PC)

    What if people were robots who were created from, and routinely yelled at by, an angry god that just wants to be respected and obeyed when he asks you to maybe solve some puzzles without questioning him so much? He just wants you to go along with what he says to do no matter how…

  • DeNA + Nintendo

    Mike Fahey: This morning Nintendo announced a partnership with Japanese company DeNA to produce games using Nintendo properties on mobile platforms. As the owner of mobile platform Mobage, DeNA is one of the most powerful names in mobile gaming, but the sort of games it’s known for won’t make traditional console gamers happy.

  • Steam Machines Aren’t Here to Challenge Consoles

    Valve recently put up an early list of Steam Machines coming this November from various gaming computer makers. Paul Tassi of Forbes is here predicting doom and gloom in an article comparing the chances for Valve’s success against traditional gaming consoles: So if Steam Machines aren’t for console players, will existing PC gamers bite? I really…