Category: video games

  • Meet the Hacker Who’s Spent Four Years Inside Shadow of the Colussus

    Evan Narcisse of Kotaku interviewed Michael Lambert about his explorations into hidden and incomplete portions of Team ICO’s games. Makes me miss Shadow of the Colossus. What an amazing game.

  • Eurogamer Dropping Review Scores

    Oli Welsh: Starting today with our review of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D, Eurogamer is making the biggest change we’ve ever made to the way we review games. From now on, we will no longer be scoring games out of ten. In place of scores, we’ll have one-line summaries for every review, and…

  • End of the Line

    I cannot believe how talented some of the people making short animated films with Valve’s Source Film Maker are. The tools are great but they still have to make these films and tell a story without having access to the original voice actors behind these characters, which is why most are “silent.” Hats off to James McVinnie…

  • Is Godus Dead?

    John Walker, writing about the lack of progress on the kickstarter-funded Peter Molyneux god-game, Godus: As for those Kickstarter promises, it’s not looking good. The silliest claim made was that it would be finished in “seven to nine months”. That wasn’t even true of the money-raking mobile versions, and with the PC game in Early…

  • Cannon Brawl Review & live

    Join NuclearMonster as he gets in his airship to reign fire and smite his foes. Do you like strategically shooting cannons, flying airships, and earning experience points as you crush your enemies? Maybe you’d like to take the ground right out from underneath them and send their castle falling into oblivion while you laugh. Cannon…