Category: video games
Adesso Mechanical Keyboard MKB-135B Review
There are a lot of reasons to be interested in mechanical keyboards over rubber-dome models. Much of what I could tell you about rubber-dome keyboards versus mechanical switching has been already said. Rather than reinventing the wheel we’ll reread a classic part of what Dan said about mechanical keyboards: The big deal about these old keyboards…
Great interview with Gooseman
After four years in North America, I ran out of money and a friend of mine encouraged me to come to Korea as he told me there would be many opportunities to market my game there and fund development. I spent the next two-plus years working in Korea with some really experienced programmers and some…
TurtleBeach EarForce PX21 Review
Console gaming headsets are in a weird place. On one hand, they’re relatively cheap and plentiful. On the other hand, that low price point means the drivers inside aren’t great. Hardware manufacturers like to cover this up with bass response, the PX21 set is no exception. Though I don’t think you can even find a headset…
Welcome to the Hall of Heroes
I recently obtained the magical and revolutionary video game, 3D Dot Game Heroes. In this RPG, you can build your own character model using the included editor. The game doesn’t really tell you where you can go to find character models created by other users, and most of the search results will get you gamefaqs…
Summary of Phoronix/Steam/Linux Situation
thanks to Nemoder for the graphic and Phoronix for ragging on Steam + Linux + UT3 non-stop.