Category: video games
Exile’s End on Time Doctor Live
Do you want to be disappointed by an almost metroidvania? Exile’s End is about as disappointing as an almost-metroidvania could get.
Devouring Essence
There’s this terrific podcast called Reconcilable Differences. The hosts are Merlin Mann (who you may recognize from past podcast recommendations) and more pertinent to this site is John Siracusa. Siracusa is this uniquely expert individual in the science of breaking down and explaining almost any topic in a way that nobody else does. Even with…
Game Releases are Broken
Daniel West has this enormous and insightful article about the perils of releasing a good game when nobody buys it: There seems to be a prevalent attitude that if you just do everything right, you’re sure to find success. This idea abounds when we talk about games that failed to meet expectations. Much of the time,…
Minecraft: Pocket Edition 0.12
Tasos Lazarides has a huge list of updates to the version of Minecraft for phones and tablets: These are just a few of the additions in this huge update, and you can see now why I said this update really changes the game up and brings mobile gamers closer to being able to play the…