Category: video games

  • How To Fix Call of Duty

    Tyler Wilde: I’d bring the multiplayer back to the basics. Good ideas introduced in CoD 4–the ideas that had me obsessed with it for months–have been added to and iterated on and it’s out of control. CoD 4’s unlock system was just about leveling. It was easy to set goals (I worked hard for the Barrett…

  • Bullship

    There’s a new ship (link plays sound) in the sci-fi space simulation video game Star Citizen. It’s a luxury space yacht called Genesis Starliner that you can’t fly because Star Citizen is still an idea with a few alpha prototype demos. This concept-art bullship will cost you 400 real life dollars to virtually acquire. and by necessity the developer…

  • Windows Pretendulation Still Sucks

    The Final Fantasy XIV MMO now uses Transgaming’s Windows pretendulation software to get the game on Mac OS X and so it isn’t surprising that it is having trouble running well. Mike Fahey has this article about the terrible Mac version of Final Fantasy XIV. Over a decade ago there was an article on this site encouraging people to…

  • Her Story

    The rare games that don’t follow traditional formulas we’ve come to expect are extremely interesting to me. It’s very difficult to make something that still fits into a video game while getting rid of the traditional systems. Go here Do this Shoot them! Get some points and a sticker! Wow you did a good job,…