Coming to a movie theatre near you, according to this site and this one as well.
The Drobo Pro from Drobover
Today Data Robotics announced their follow-up to the Drobo RAID-style device, the Drobo Pro offers the same deal in a rackmountable setup. More drives, expected technology upgrades, etc.
Can they please stop raping non-business users who bought the original Drobo before their shitty service plan came into effect now and give me my fucking firmware updates without paying extra.
The Best Defense Says The Surge Has Got an Undertow.
Tom Ricks at The Best Defense has written up an excellent article detailing the current failures of “The Surge”.
Pure Digital’s Jonathan Kaplan–aka the Flip Guy–Speaks (Post-Cisco)!
Kara Swisher from the Wall Street Journal’s All Things D spoke with Pure Digital’s Jonathan Kaplan on the subject of the Mino HD maker’s future now they they’ve been acquired by Cisco.
I’m just hoping they keep iterating on their fantastic Flip Mino HD series.
Zero S Electric Motorcycle Now Available
One of the few things that excites me anymore in vehicle design anymore is when people take something old, like a dirt bike, and update it for today. Maybe only he who is without sin can afford the first $30k Toyota Prius, but surely even someone like me can afford the $10k for Zero Motorcycle’s Zero S Motorcycle.
It is basically their cheaper Zero Motorcycle dirtbike design upgraded to be street-legal and still has their goofy proprietary battery pack and clutchless design. Theoretically that should at least be upgradable in the future as new batteries come out which enable you to get more miles out of it.
Video of the Zero S after the break and you can order one today and get it delivered via UPS in May.