• Do your bolt-action rifles suck?

    Are you having trouble respawning in the morning?

    Well, fret no longer modern-warfare fan, after the break you can see what is going on in the lives of your heroes from franchises past…


  • muniThanks to Sony for hosting the excellent Playstation Blog meetup at GDC 2009!

    The evening started out with a journey via the strange public transportation system known only to denizens of San Francisco’s knowledge underground as “The Muni“!

    After many stops and about 45 minutes worth of insane ramblings from the drunken creatures who inhabit this above-ground septic system our “N-Line” “train” moved underground.

    Some time later I was able to find an exit from this disturbing cacophony of subterranean lost souls onto Montgomery Street in downtown SF whereupon I journed into the hipster grotto of the W Hotel.


  • Boom!

    Valve updated Left 4 Dead today with some great gameplay changes. One of which corrects my personal pet-peeve with the Boomer; his vomit will sometimes be deflected by normal infected who get in the way. Full list of changes:

    Game and client changes

    • Introduced fatigue to the melee attack in versus mode. You will see a HUD display when your melee swing is cooling down
    • Boomer vomit will now pass through common infected
    • Addressed some surround sound detection issues
    • Fixed a rare crash when exiting Left4Dead on Windows Vista
    • Fixed a case where the complete all expert campaigns achievement was not being rewarded

    Dedicated server changes

    • Corrected an issue where Windows based dedicated were sending spurious shutdown notifications to the master causing them to delist temporarily
    • Fixed dedicated servers not resetting the versus team swap correctly–you could join a dedicated server that had a previous game that was swapped and arrive on the other team than what was selected in the lobby
    • Renamed the tags for sv_search_key to use “key:” in the server tags instead of “sv_search_key.” This should help with issues of the 63 character limit of server tags
    • Fixed an occasional server crash related to voting
  • Combat Arms - Shot in the Nuts

    RDRR Nexon! They’ve updated their free-2-play FPS Combat Arms with the ability to shoot people in the crotch for extra damage.

    Youtube video of it after the break, along with their press release.

  • feature_tdsquadI’ve got five more iPhone games reviewed on AtomicGamer.com:

    • Metal Gear Solid Touch
    • Pocket God
    • Hurdler
    • Beast
    • Cronk

    Also included in the newest iGame Squadron is my take on what the latest iPhone update means for gamers. Check it out!