Tag: live stream
Papers, Please on nuclearmonster.com live
Join TimeDoctor as is the inspector at an immigration checkpoint for glorious country of Arstotzka. He didn’t ask for this.
Battlefield 3: Endgame on nuclearmonster.com live
Join TimeDoctor and Gus the Gamer as they attempt to capture the flag in the latest expansion for Battlefield 3. Motorbikes are fun.
Brutal Doom on nuclearmonster.com live
TimeDoctor is a little sick in the head, you know? That must be why he enjoys this so much. Stick around for the fatalities later on. They are really nuts.
Max Payne 3 on nuclearmonster.com live
TimeDoctor is back and he’s had a few drinks and is ready to play a game called Max Payne 3. He took one look at this game and said “yes, that will be the game I stream tonight.” He hit the “record” button in his dimly-lit, video-game filled, apartment and a grim sense of determination…
good morning, commander on nuclearmonster.com live
Join TimeDoctor for exploration, puzzle solving, and creepy shadow people in good morning, commander. You’ll see.