Tag: mirror’s edge
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst
I loved DICE’s Mirror’s Edge and rated it highly. It was different from so many other first-person games in that the focus was on running and movement instead of combat. The only real failures in the first game were when the game forced you into combat and a not-so-great story. The sequel to Mirror’s Edge…
Mirror’s Edge on nuclearmonster.com live
Join TimeDoctor as he races through the rooftops looking to find Faith.
Regarding Unreal Engine Licensees Shipping UnrealED
RockPaperShotgun (a great place that should be in everyone’s RSS feed) has this story about some folks figuring out how to make Mirror’s Edge levels with UT3’s editor. One of the interesting points of the piece was this: Chatting to our industry contacts, you apparently have to pay an additional fee to ship a game…
Mirror’s Edge (PS3)
Having completed Mirror’s Edge I can confirm that indeed the plot continues on as if it were indeed created by the same creative forces behind Robocop 3. The ending is trite, and ridiculous considering the circumstances. I can, without spoiling anything, say that you have a tender moment with someone on top of a building…