Spelunky Creator Making 50 Game Multicart With Friends

Derek Yu, the developer of the amazing Spelunky side-scrolling rando-caver is putting together a multi-game collection called UFO 50 with a team of 4 other developers and artists. It’ll be 50 games that they reassure us are “…full games and not microgames or minigames!”

Each game will have its own director, although all of the people working on the project have collaborated with each other to improve on the other games in the collection.

I’m not sure I’d be excited for games with this 8-bit style from anyone else in 2017, but Yu’s Spelunky had an incredible following after it was released due to a daily challenge mode that popularized the concept and was an incredibly well put-together game.

UFO 50 is promised for a 2018 release on Windows before it hits other unspecified platforms.