Author: Jack Slater

  • The Hitman That Owned Himself

    Square-Enix recently decided to drop IO Interactive from their portfolio of development studios, which left IO’s series of Hitman (and other games) up in the air. Good news. IO is now the company that owns themselves  and also owns the Hitman “Intellectual Property” according to the CEO’s statement. I have a few questions as to…

  • Inside a Ukrainian Nuclear Missile Base

    Drew Scanlon of Cloth Map, and my favorite podcast about speedy race cars, Shift+F1, has this great video from his recent tour of a decommissioned nuclear missile base in the Ukraine. In the video Scanlon actually gets to use the launch controls. Here’s the location on Google’s mapping service: And here is the museum’s English…

  • Metroid: Samus Returns on September 15th

    You wouldn’t have been wrong to think that Nintendo doesn’t care much about Metroid when it gets largely ignored by Nintendo, until today. Nintendo has a fresh team developing a new game in the Metroid Prime series and this 3DS remake of the Game Boy’s Metroid II: Return of Samus due on September 15th. Very…

  • Nintendo Spotlight: E3 2017 Notes

    Nintendo is here to finally tell us the backstory about Walugi and Wario. Are they really just old versions of Mario and Luigi that got really shitty? Nevermind, Reggie has been hiding in our apartment to jump out and tell us about games. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Xenoblade Chronicles is getting a sequel and it’ll…

  • PlayStation E3 2017 Media Showcase Notes

    Sony has a Sid Shuman pre-game before the press event this year, so you can skip to about one hour in if you want to get to the event. One of the trailers they opened the show with features a hideous gold PlayStation 4 that’s $249 for a few days. Get it while it’s tacky…