Category: culture

  • What do machines sing of?

    Martin Backes: “What do machines sing of?” is a fully automated machine, which endlessly sings number-one ballads from the 1990s. As the computer program performs these emotionally loaded songs, it attempts to apply the appropriate human sentiments. This behavior of the device seems to reflect a desire, on the part of the machine, to become…

  • Each of These Have Been Hand Sharpened to a Razor’s Edge

    Luke Winkie: Cutlery Corner is my favorite television show of all time. It is funnier than The Office, more socially relevant than The Wire, more suspenseful than Breaking Bad, and profoundly less boring than Mad Men. Every night the men and women on Cutlery Corner create the greatest accidental art known to mankind. Let me prove it to you. In perhaps the ultimate proof that cutting…

  • Tel Me More

    Commodore 64 composer, Jeroen Tel, is looking to fund a greatest-hits remake album of his music from the C64 on Indie Gogo.

  • Fireworks

    Competitive peeler, Cabel Sasser, has posted his yearly photo collection of firework packaging. Past years have included gems like these: I wonder how the kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for Fireworks Tycoon went. Yes, that laptop is made out of fireworks.

  • Apple Music and Beats: 1

    Apple’s streaming music subscription service, Apple Music, was released last week in addition to the new streaming radio station Beats: 1 and other features in the new versions of Music on iOS and iTunes on Windows and Mac OS X. I’ll admit that although I had tried Pandora and Spotify they’d never really stuck. Why not own my…