Category: technology
Windows 10 Impressions
About a month ago I moved my desktop Windows installation to the Windows Insider Preview Program, which gets you an early and unfinished version of Windows 10. Tomorrow the first regular Windows upgrades to 10 will begin. Kind of like Chrome’s different update channels, there are two different paths in the preview program. The different update channels,…
What do machines sing of?
Martin Backes: “What do machines sing of?” is a fully automated machine, which endlessly sings number-one ballads from the 1990s. As the computer program performs these emotionally loaded songs, it attempts to apply the appropriate human sentiments. This behavior of the device seems to reflect a desire, on the part of the machine, to become…
Apple Music and Beats: 1
Apple’s streaming music subscription service, Apple Music, was released last week in addition to the new streaming radio station Beats: 1 and other features in the new versions of Music on iOS and iTunes on Windows and Mac OS X. I’ll admit that although I had tried Pandora and Spotify they’d never really stuck. Why not own my…
Logitech k400r Wireless Touch Keyboard Review
Lets get this out of the way up front, wireless keyboards with built-in pointing devices are almost universally awful. I say “almost’ but what I mean is, I’ve never found a combo wireless keyboard/trackpad that is any good but they must exist somewhere, right? Maybe the Logitech k400r will be one of those good few…